CryoPlankton Large is the 1st stage offspring (nauplius) from Semibalanus balanoides. Length 320µm/Width 150µm, and it will replace your non-enriched artemia with a natural nutrient bomb! With no need for enrichment, these nauplii will prepare your fish larvae for long term optimal growth like never before.
Our customers have successfully replaced rotifers with CryoPlankton Large as the very first feed for seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi).

Replace rotifers with a biosecure off-the-shelf alternative!
CryoPlankton Small is the 1sth stage offspring (nauplius) from Balanus crenatus. Length 200µm/Width 100µm, and it will replace the need for keeping a rotifer culture at your hatchery. Moreover, it packs a nutritional value and comes with a biosafety your rotifers will be envious about!
And, you will always have a live, off-the-shelf product ready, giving assurance and consistency to your production.
What CryoPlankton will do for you
Our customers experience earlier weaning to dry feed when using CryoPlankton. Weaning from Small to Large is done in a day and increased growth and stress tolerance associated with CryoPlankton, weaning to dry feed can be done earlier than with a traditional protocol.
Several scientific studies show positive long-term effect, increased growth and improved FCR and SGR in sea cages when fish larvae is given marine nauplii early in life.
Easy to use
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